Monday, October 03, 2005

english 011

(of a boat) overturn in the water [ intrans. ] : the craft capsized in heavy seas | [as adj. ] ( capsized) a capsized dinghy. [ trans. ] | gale-force gusts capsized the dinghies.

tip 1
noun the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering : George pressed the tips of his fingers together | the northern tip of Maine. ? a small piece or part fitted to the end of an object : the rubber tip of the walking stick.
verb ( tipped , tipping ) [ trans. ] 1 [usu. as adj. ] ( tipped) attach to or cover the end or extremity of : mountains tipped with snow | [in combination ] steel-tipped spears.

tip 2
verb 1 overbalance or cause to overbalance so as to fall or turn over : [ intrans. ] the hay caught fire when the candle tipped over | [ trans. ] a youth sprinted past, tipping over her glass.


noun |b?p| informal noun short for bebop .
verb ( bopped , bopping ) [ intrans. ] dance to pop music : bopping to the radio while they made breakfast. ? move or travel energetically : we had been bopping around the county all morning.

bop 2
informal verb ( bopped , bopping ) [ trans. ] hit; punch lightly : I warned him I'd bop him on the nose if he tried it.


Anonymous said...



da!da!da!datech! said...
